About the Founder

In the fall of 1996, Alicia Sharpton chose to devote her life to full time ministry.  Having watched family members over the years suffer from addiction, her vision is crucial for today’s staggering number of individuals suffering in our county, state and country.  

During Alicia’s 28 years of service, she has pastored youth, young adults and adults alike. She was on staff as the Minister of Students and Drama Instructor for a local Christian school. She was a campus director for two live-in homes for women who were addicted to drugs and alcohol. The wisdom she has gained while leading youth camps, women’s retreats, home Bible studies, mission endeavors, women in addiction and individual mentoring has intensified the desire to reach a lost and hurting world.

Alicia’s passion for people certainly warrants the call on her life. She is an Ordained Minister through Ark United Christian Community Churches International (AUCCCI). 

Authoring the Twelve Arrows to Victory, starting REPO Recovery meetings and hosting Arrows to Victory Recovery Retreats, has provided  yet other opportunities to minister to those needing to walk through the 12-steps of recovery using the Twelve Arrows to Victory curriculum.  It has also provided an opportunity for others equally passionate to become Recovery Coaches, expanding the vision even further. 

“He made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He hid me; He made me a polished arrow in His quiver, He hid me away.”  

Isaiah 49:2